Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Sarcasm in Star Wars

In the bombing sequence during the opening of The Last Jedi, there is a secret Han Solo message. The Last Jedi happens shortly after The Force Awakens, so Han's death is still fresh in the minds of the Resistance, likely leading to some of the bombers painting messages like this on their bombs prior to being evacuated: thus it is no surprise that one of the bombs has "Han says hi" painted on it in Aurebesh, one of the most used languages in Star Wars' galaxy.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

When theology gets in the way

Illustration from the September 2021 Watchtower study edition, page 21.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Oh snap

Picture from the January 2022 Watchtower article “Lessons We Can Learn From Jesus’ Tears.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

To be FAIR…


The organization FAIL, I mean FAIR, canceled its YouTube sham, er show, This Is The Show (TITS), due to its level of cringe. 🤦🏻‍♂️

(FAIR is an acronym for Faithful Answers, Informed Laziness. No wait, that’s FAIL. The R is Response. Cringe gallore.)